Dec 15, 2023Liked by Cameron Bellm

From the depths of a grumpy heart comes great gratitude for this reminder to keep singing. I have anhedonia about holiday cheer this year (anholidonia?) an ability to see and remember what holiday cheer felt like, a sort of distant appreciation for the idea of Christmas lights glowing cheerily in the long dark nights, but no real feeling, no real warmth, no joy.

During the hardest of winters, the Christmas song that I find annoyingly repetitive yet so humbly touching is The Little Drummer Boy.

Everything in me wants to offer something to ease the pain felt by so many, but I have nothing to give. Nothing but the tune my voice can carry, the rhythm of pounding I can create on my drum. The ability to keep singing.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Cameron Bellm

Thank you for the registration link, appreciate it!!

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