CAMERON. You’ve made my day peak at 7:10 am because nothing else I read today will light a fire like this. Yes and yes and yes. Thank you for asking--and living--all the hard questions.

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Well, now I'm just crying. Thank you so much for lighting the way, friend.

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I have felt some questions rumbling around in background, thank you for this reminder to do the work of both listening to them and voicing them.

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I love the idea of the questions rumbling. Amen to that.

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I felt very convicted reading this post - God reminded me that if I am not part of the solution than I am part of the problem.

It saddens me how many people don't know about the love that God has for them through faith in Jesus. He has graciously given me two platforms to point people to Him, but fear has been a barrier to me properly promoting them. I prefer to pray and trust God to get the words to the people that need them. This strategy feels less overwhelming to me. However, I think God may be showing me that it doesn't need to be an 'either/or,' but a 'both/and.'

Thanks for your faithfulness in asking the hard questions + encouraging your readers to do it too! ✨✨✨

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