<3 <3

Being in the presence of other people's honest heartfelt prayers is such a sacred thing in every form. Beautiful <3.

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Amen to that. Like tapping into an underground current.

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I loved this so much! I've never heard of milagros before, and I love that they are a concrete prayer for a miracle (what a lovely story about finding out you were pregnant with your first!) If I didn't have such a long TBR list--all my library holds came available on the same day!--I would reread Demon Copperhead for sure. I think you were right on in your description of it as a prayer.

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Thank you so much! It's one of my greatest treasures, that time of hopeful waiting. I totally get you on the holds coming in! Best of luck with the best and worst of problems! <3

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Sep 12Liked by Cameron Bellm

This is the third recommendation I’ve read for for Demon Copperhead in as many days so I am officially adding it to basket. I loved this post, I didn’t know about milagros but I love it. I’m similarly moved by plaques of thanksgiving to particular saints often mounted around statues around here - the tangible reminder that God does reach into people’s lives, in ways that are too intimate and inexplicable to be expressed in any words other than “thank you”.

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That's so beautiful! Milagros originated in Spain, so maybe if you ever get over that way, you will see some in the churches there. It's always good to have a travel daydream at the ready. :)

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I loved this Cameron, even your title had me thinking about the prayers we can hold in our hands. I have a stone by my bed, with a hollow the size of my fingerprint, that's what came to mind for me. It came from Iona and has become a symbol of the journey I had last year with the Exercises. Thanks for the introduction to milagros too, how gorgeous to be able to send them through the post as embodied care and prayer.

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I love that practice so much! My kids collect stones from all over, and I've been known to keep one in my coat pocket to turn over as I send prayers someone's way.

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